How to finish negative thoughts?

Positive thinking we have heard a lot of times. We several times, ask one who is sad or disappointed to stay positive. That means living positive or thinking positive is something we all believe in and want to live it. But somehow we all fall in this pit of negative thoughts. When we are jealous of someone or when we are hurt by someone, when we are resentful of someone, or when we are belittling someone. It has a wide spectrum.

How to make out whether your thoughts are negative or positive?
Any thought that disturbs your state of mind and makes you feel uncomfortable can radiate its vibrations to other people and make them feel uneasy too. That thought is negative.

How to create right or positive thoughts?
For this one needs to know the source of his/her thoughts as it is a form of energy.
Information is the most important source of thought. Just like the way we eat food and the type of energy we get by eating depends on the type of food we eat. Your diet forms your immunity system and if there is any health issue you are asked to change your diet, as it creates your body. In the same way, the emotional diet that you provide to your mind forms your thoughts. Here the information you give to your mind is your emotional diet. You provide your mind information from what you see, watch, or read.
All these are stored in your mind. This information is stored in your subconscious mind and becomes a part of your thoughts. Like if you have been watching or hearing something negative for example about an accident or some mishappening for about a long time it gets fitted in your subconscious mind, now if someone at your home is late your negative thoughts start rising up which makes you worry about them.
You would never think about whether he/she might be busy at work or could be fine. This happens because your mind has absorbed the information about mishappenings and accidents, so it will create only such thoughts. Therefore one needs to take care of the input or information given to the mind, what you watch or what you listen to. When you are listening to some song each and every word of that song gets stored in your mind and soon it would become a part of your thoughts and vocabulary too.
We need to change our way of thinking by only changing what we are absorbing.
Try this as an experiment over a week, every morning wanting to know what is happening in the world is not necessary as the media will show you all the incidents happening in and around the world whether they are negative or positive. If you keep watching such a thing very soon you would find out that you yourselves have sown seeds of negativity just by watching, reading, and listening too much about it.
Now, this negativity could be found everywhere in TV serials, movies, songs, and social media but it's on you what input you should give to your mind or what you have to fill yourselves with.
It's your choice. Every morning instead of checking your social media try thinking spiritual or positive things your thinking will automatically change and right thoughts will automatically get created.
Right now negative thoughts come into automatically likewise positive thoughts will start coming automatically. For that, we need to switch to a pure emotional diet.
So let's take a one-week emotional detox. Let's cleanse your mind and soul, and thereafter only consume pure information. Thereafter positive and right thinking will become a natural way of living.

- Harshita Pishwe


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