Steps to Meditation

Meditation is a means to overcome mental tension which is one the foremost. Successful meditation puts us in communion with our real selves. Apparently we are all on our surface self and are not conscious of our inner divine nature. This makes us suffer from tensions of various kinds.
The secret is to dive deep into our self whenever there is unbearable agony. Then there will be no further problems. As fas as rest of the physical body is concerned mother nature has provided sleep but good sleep is not a sure means of curing all kinds of tension. In sleep our overburdened mind does not get adequate rest. This can only be possible when it is trained to hold communion with its own real nature, its intrinsic self by definite methods of concentration. This is the verdict of great mystics, yogis and sages. Real rest and relaxation is possible only through a specialized technique of meditation.

Often we have the mistaken notion that a change of occupation will bring peace of mind. In times of great tension, we try to put aside our strenuous work and read magazines or watch television. This may bring temporary relief but real relaxation comes only when we learn through the process of meditation how to relieve the mind from all our so-called physical, intellectual and emotional burdens. This brings true freedom, and rest, peace, relaxation come in its wake.
It is common to pass through phases of fatigue, disappointment, disgust, depression in life. Analyzed philosophically we can trace them back to psychological confusion under which we are laboring all the time. This confusion is mainly due to our inability to comprehend the actual relationship between the subject and the objects of this world. As a writer, I am the subject and all that I perceive is the object. The correct attitude would be to view everything as an indivisible spirit. But instead, we limit our perception to the body and the mind, or the externals, These are the categories called non-self and when we are engrossed in them we forget the real self and identify ourselves with the non- self. The result is confusion caused by the limited perception of the"I".

The non-self is actually active while the real self is not doing anything. It is a mere witness. Our mistake is that we think we are doing this or that, everything depends on us; in other words, are dominated by this egocentric "I". We are deluded by the ignorance that we are the doer and not the witness. The consciousness of the real self brings the awareness that we are ATMA which is a witness, an illuminator, nor limited to the activities of the mind or the body. With the help of successful meditation we become established in this attitude which brings relief, peace and tranquility.

A question may be raised by beginners on the path of meditation as to how they should progress to this end. The first necessary step is to be able to sit quietly for a sufficiently long time. Then we should be able to see what passes through the mind and be willing to wrestle with wayward thoughts, Ultimately these thoughts should go away and the mind should go away and the mind should become calm.
In modern civilization it is difficult to find even a moment to sit quietly. We have such methods of sitting quietly as reading a book or watching a video. But the need for the same thing without any external help. Taking the help of some newspaper, or TV is not a permanent solution to our problem of restlessness.
Once we have acquired the habit of sitting quietly without any external help we should move on to the next step. For some time before the hour of meditation, we should try to think that we are absolutely unrelated to the world and have nothing to do with it. We may have different duties as husband, wife, father or mother but we should cultivate the feeling of non-attachment to all things and all people.

Once through the practice of meditation the latent powers of the mind are manifested then an enduring integration of personality takes place, Such an integrated personality does not face emotional conflicts, frustration or a sense of insecurity. The mind achieves continuous peace.
Through meditation we commune with the lord and thereby overcome mental tension. We thus achieve real fulfillment in life. Our life which holds the promise of divinity will bee wasted if we allow it to be disrupted by the conflicts of existence. A disturbed mind is a matter of great regret. We must learn to control and correct it through meditation.

                                                            -Harshita Pishwe


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