How To Remove Mental Tension And Bring On A Healthy MIND.

Nowadays, mental tension is a great problem for human beings. We are not able to live a healthy and happy life due to the pressure we face in our day to day lives. If you want to get rid of all these problems and get out of this depressed life this article is perfect for you.

It has been perfectly said that the present century is a century of stress. The only way to control stress is to control the mind. Unless we know how to train the mind, it is very difficult to lead a purposeful life. One thing that has become obvious is the psychosomatic nature of nervous tension and stress which causes major health hazards. The various conflicting urges and desires within us clamor for fulfillment simultaneously. Often there is a tug of war between the desires of the flesh and the aspirations of the spirit. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, as a famous saying tells us. The result is acute tension.

Mental stress can also arise due to an erroneous understanding of religion. As Sri Ramakrishna said in his usual pragmatic way, instead of suppressing desires, we should turn them towards higher goals. In other words, we should recycle them. The emphasis should be on sublimation rather than repression.
Apart from religion most people also have a wrong understanding of life itself. Excessive ambition, intellectual rivalry, overwork, the dual inner tendencies-extrovert, and introvert- vying with each other, are all detrimental to peace of mind. To regain faith in ourselves we have to first have a balanced perspective of the meaning of existence. Instead of regretting the past or worrying over the future, we should give all our attention to the present.

Our aim should be to develop our willpower by avoiding useless talk, purposeless work, futile controversies, fault-finding tendencies, backbiting, lurid thoughts, and all such distractions which dissipate our vital mental energies. Good thoughts bring rewards while bad thoughts bring punishment.

We should learn to review our mental processes from time to time. Praying to God for will-power is essential, rather than praying for the transitory material gains. Concentrating on this single idea to the exclusion of all others is a sure path to success in curing mental tension.
We must have a positive attitude even in the face of the worst adversity. It is good to remember that even depression has a therapeutic side-it leads us to greater achievement. Depression brings to the forefront of our mind guilt, fear and anger which have to be faced before we can attempt to learn to control them.

The secret of achieving tranquility is to cultivate the attitude of acceptance and surrender. These are not passive attitudes but come only through great effort of meditation, introspection, and self-analysis.


Remain in bliss in this world 
Fearless, pure in heart 
Wake up in bliss every morning,
carry out all your duties in bliss,
Remain in bliss in weal and woe,
In criticism and insult,
Remain in bliss unaffected,
Remain in bliss pardoning everybody!

This article is an effort to bring this kind of continuous existential bliss within the reach of all people. It is hoped that all the readers of this blog will benefit immensely by practicing sincerely and regularly all that is suggested in the following articles.
                                             -Harshita Pishwe


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