
Showing posts from March, 2020

Steps to Meditation

Meditation is a means to overcome mental tension which is one the foremost. Successful meditation puts us in communion with our real selves. Apparently we are all on our surface self and are not conscious of our inner divine nature. This makes us suffer from tensions of various kinds. The secret is to dive deep into our self whenever there is unbearable agony. Then there will be no further problems. As fas as rest of the physical body is concerned mother nature has provided sleep but good sleep is not a sure means of curing all kinds of tension. In sleep our overburdened mind does not get adequate rest. This can only be possible when it is trained to hold communion with its own real nature, its intrinsic self by definite methods of concentration. This is the verdict of great mystics, yogis and sages. Real rest and relaxation is possible only through a specialized technique of meditation. Often we have the mistaken notion that a change of occupation will bring peace of mind. In time...

All about DEPRESSION one must know

Depression is the leading cause of disability in the world; in the United States, close to ten percent of adults struggle with the disease. But because it’s a mental illness, it can be a lot harder to understand than, say, high cholesterol. We all go through bad times that could be not scoring good, having an argument, or family pressure but all this can be easily recovered we forget about it after a few moments but clinical depression is a totally different thing. It is a mental disorder that can"t simply go when one wants it to. one of the worst things about depression is that it is hard to make it out whether you are going through depression or just sad for a common reason. The biggest difference between being sad or being depressed is that a person knows the reason for what he/she is sad for but unfortunately, one has no clue for what they are feeling so low in depression. another misunderstanding one has to identify the difference between depression and anxiety. Thoug...

How To Remove Mental Tension And Bring On A Healthy MIND.

Nowadays, mental tension is a great problem for human beings. We are not able to live a healthy and happy life due to the pressure we face in our day to day lives. If you want to get rid of all these problems and get out of this depressed life this article is perfect for you. It has been perfectly said that the present century is a century of stress. The only way to control stress is to control the mind. Unless we know how to train the mind, it is very difficult to lead a purposeful life. One thing that has become obvious is the psychosomatic nature of nervous tension and stress which causes major health hazards. The various conflicting urges and desires within us clamor for fulfillment simultaneously. Often there is a tug of war between the desires of the flesh and the aspirations of the spirit. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, as a famous saying tells us. The result is acute tension. Mental stress can also arise due to an erroneous understanding of religion. As Sri R...